A keeper of lost lore and a priest to forgotten gods, Magebane invokes unholy rituals to drain the energy of his enemies and turn it back against them. In less desperate times, heretics such as Magebane would have been burned at the stake, but this is not the first unexpected clemency brought about by the war against the Hellbourne.
Attack Type=Melee
Attack Damage=51-55Attack Range=100
Attack Damage=51-55Attack Range=100
Strength per level=1.6
Agility per level=2.8
Intelligence per level=1.5
Agility per level=2.8
Intelligence per level=1.5
On each attack, Magebane drains some of the target’s Mana.
The drained Mana combusts, dealing additional damage back to the target.
Level 1 : 16 Mana burnt per hit +60% damage per point of mana burnt.
Level 2 : 32 Mana burnt per hit +60% damage per point of mana burnt.
Level 3 : 48 Mana burnt per hit +60% damage per point of mana burnt.
Level 4 : 64 Mana burnt per hit +60% damage per point of mana burnt.
Mana cost n/a
Cooldown n/a
Magebane gains mana equal to 1/4 of the mana drained from the target.
The drained Mana combusts, dealing additional damage back to the target.
Level 1 : 16 Mana burnt per hit +60% damage per point of mana burnt.
Level 2 : 32 Mana burnt per hit +60% damage per point of mana burnt.
Level 3 : 48 Mana burnt per hit +60% damage per point of mana burnt.
Level 4 : 64 Mana burnt per hit +60% damage per point of mana burnt.
Mana cost n/a
Cooldown n/a
Magebane gains mana equal to 1/4 of the mana drained from the target.
In a flash of light, Magebane is able to teleport
a short distance to a target location and buffs his allies
resistance to magic in the process.Level 1 : Range 1000, +3 Magic armor to self and +2 Magic armor to allies within 500 radius of target position for 7 seconds.
Level 2 : Range 1075, +6 Magic armor to self and +3 Magic armor to allies within 500 radius of target position for 7 seconds.
Level 3 : Range 1150, +10 Magic armor to self and +4 Magic armor to allies within 500 radius of target position for 7 seconds.
Level 4 : Range 1150, +15 Magic armor to self and +5 Magic armor to allies within 500 radius of target position for 7 seconds.
Mana cost 60
Cooldown 12/10/8/6 seconds
a short distance to a target location and buffs his allies
resistance to magic in the process.Level 1 : Range 1000, +3 Magic armor to self and +2 Magic armor to allies within 500 radius of target position for 7 seconds.
Level 2 : Range 1075, +6 Magic armor to self and +3 Magic armor to allies within 500 radius of target position for 7 seconds.
Level 3 : Range 1150, +10 Magic armor to self and +4 Magic armor to allies within 500 radius of target position for 7 seconds.
Level 4 : Range 1150, +15 Magic armor to self and +5 Magic armor to allies within 500 radius of target position for 7 seconds.
Mana cost 60
Cooldown 12/10/8/6 seconds
Magebane proves he is the master of the flow of Magic around him,
limiting the speed enemies can control it while damaging them if they cast.
Level 1 : -15 Cast Speed, Damaged for 35% of abilities and items manacost when cast
Level 2 : -20 Cast Speed, Damaged for 50% of abilities and items manacost when cast
Level 3 : -25 Cast Speed, Damaged for 65% of abilities and items manacost when cast
Level 4 : -30 Cast Speed, Damaged for 80% of abilities and items manacost when cast
Mana cost n/a
Cooldown n/a
limiting the speed enemies can control it while damaging them if they cast.
Level 1 : -15 Cast Speed, Damaged for 35% of abilities and items manacost when cast
Level 2 : -20 Cast Speed, Damaged for 50% of abilities and items manacost when cast
Level 3 : -25 Cast Speed, Damaged for 65% of abilities and items manacost when cast
Level 4 : -30 Cast Speed, Damaged for 80% of abilities and items manacost when cast
Mana cost n/a
Cooldown n/a
Magebane tears a Rift in a target unit’s
mind, stunning them briefly and dealing
damage based on how much Mana the target
has missing. The more Mana the target is
missing, the more damage they will take.
Level 1 : 0.6 Damage per mana point missing in a 250 AOE around the primary target and stuns for 0.1 seconds
Level 2 : 0.85 Damage per mana point missing in a 250 AOE around the primary target and stuns for 0.2 seconds
Level 3 : 1.10 Damage per mana point missing in a 250 AOE around the primary target and stuns for 0.3 seconds
Mana Cost 125/200/275
Cooldown 120/100/80
mind, stunning them briefly and dealing
damage based on how much Mana the target
has missing. The more Mana the target is
missing, the more damage they will take.
Level 1 : 0.6 Damage per mana point missing in a 250 AOE around the primary target and stuns for 0.1 seconds
Level 2 : 0.85 Damage per mana point missing in a 250 AOE around the primary target and stuns for 0.2 seconds
Level 3 : 1.10 Damage per mana point missing in a 250 AOE around the primary target and stuns for 0.3 seconds
Mana Cost 125/200/275
Cooldown 120/100/80
Skill Build
1.- Flash
2.- Mana Combustion
3.- Mana Combustion
4.- Stat Points
5.- Mana Combustion
6.- Mana Rift
7.- Mana Combustion
8.- Flash/Spell Resistance
9.- Flash/Spell Resistance
10.- Flash/Spell Resistance
11.- Mana Rift
12.- Spell Resistance/Spell Resistance
13.- Spell Resistance/Flash
14.- Spell Resistance/Flash
15.- Spell Resistance/Flash
16.- Mana Rift
17-25.- Stat Points
2.- Mana Combustion
3.- Mana Combustion
4.- Stat Points
5.- Mana Combustion
6.- Mana Rift
7.- Mana Combustion
8.- Flash/Spell Resistance
9.- Flash/Spell Resistance
10.- Flash/Spell Resistance
11.- Mana Rift
12.- Spell Resistance/Spell Resistance
13.- Spell Resistance/Flash
14.- Spell Resistance/Flash
15.- Spell Resistance/Flash
16.- Mana Rift
17-25.- Stat Points
Skill explanation:
You need the first level of flash for mobility. Extra levels that could be used for mana combustion in early are a waste. The level 4 stat points are to have more lane fat and that general boost is almost like lvling up an extra lv, meaning faster att speed, more regen and dmg, even if it is a little it helps more than early magic defense when most spells cannot kill you yet.
When I say flash/spell resistance and then spell resistance/flash I mean that those are two alternative skill builds, the one to the left is the recommended by me, the other is circunstantial if you are facing way too many mages, which you shouldn't be so early on.
Item Build
Fill the rest of your inventory with these:
This should be enough to let you stay in peace in your lane for a while. Then get marchers.
Now get 2 Soulscreamer rings or three. The reason for this is that Magebane is the fastest atacking hero in the game so getting him an overall stat boost in early will allow you to keep hunting down the enemies, let you cast more flashes and mana burn more times all in one.
Then finish off your steamboots, you wanna make em strenght first cause you will need it for survivability, you already got your rings for agi.
Now here is up to you. You got 3 choices, choose wisely as it varies from situation from situation. This items are important for magebane's survivability and shouldn't be skipped.
After getting this turn your steamboots to Agi.
By this I mean they hae Aoe damages or high damaging nukes that are kind of spammable or they kill you easily
As far as I know, any targeting skill can be blocked and this is lifesaving against heroes as blood, lego and maybe pyro. Also the regen and stats are pretty nice.
Next up, is time to start doing some serious dmg.
I already said magebane is the fastest hero in the game. Not because he has more IAS than everyone, but because his base attack speed is faster and that allows him to have the fastest att speed in the game. Get him one of this babies and he's ready to roll.
This all is necessary as far as I know, next up is MY of building magebane.
This is very nice with magebane. High att speed = more disables + you will need to slow them down if your wanna burn some high amount of mana in late and also it's useful for disabling spellcasters and just about everything else.
This is just what you needed, the item that will make you immortal and also pretty hard to get except you are farming noobs. Btw, with immortal I mean you will be pretty hard to kill unless they got some nasty disables or they overpower you and you could still always flash away.
And the last item is...
If you decide to forfeit this item, the last item is up to you. Since I haven't gotten this far in a game with magebane in HoN, I just suppose this is a good idea.